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Exams Guidance
Guidance for the Surpass Exams platform and R12 Secure Client software, and advice on Reasonable Adjustments requests
How do I log into Surpass?
Searching in Surpass
How to install the latest version of SecureClient and its minimum requirements.
Where can I find instructions for conducting online exams?
How to schedule an exam in Surpass
How to void or cancel an exam
Running exams using SecureClient
How to invigilate an exam
How to check exam results
Downloading reports from Surpass
Using SecureClient with a proxy server
Running packaged Practice Exams via Surpass Viewer Browser
What materials are allowed into an exam?
Why can't I log into Surpass?
Why is Surpass telling me to install Surpass Viewer to view my learners?
I can't see the learner I want to book in the list of available candidates for the exam. What does this mean?
Why is my learner greyed out when I try to schedule an exam for them?
When trying to book an exam the learner details are greyed out and displaying the message 'No exam available for this candidate'. What does this mean?
When trying to schedule an exam the learner is greyed out and displays the message 'This candidate has reached the maximum number of resits' - how can we schedule this exam?
How soon can a learner resit an exam?
My learners have just finished their exams. Why can't I see their results?
My learner has passed an exam but the result is not showing in Online Services. What do I do?
There was an issue with an exam or exam question - how do I raise this with EAL?
How do I download an exam to be taken later without an internet connection?
How can I test an exam station before our learners sit their real exams?
How to use PINs for online exams
Why am I getting the error message 'Invalid Keycode: OFFLINE – There was an error validating the Keycode' when entering a learner's keycode?
Why am I getting the error message 'Invalid Keycode: Test code does not exist' when entering a learner's keycode?
I'm having difficulties installing / updating R12 SecureClient - how can I resolve this?
"SecureClient cannot be opened until Windows text Suggestions are disabled" - how can I resolve this to launch the software?
Can I change the preferences (ie background, font colour, font size) for Secure Client exams?
How to send a data file from SecureClient