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I can't see the learner I want to book in the list of available candidates for the exam. What does this mean?
I can't see the learner I want to book in the list of available candidates for the exam. What does this mean?
Written by Richard Fleetwood
Updated over 4 months ago

A learner may not show up in the list of available candidates for an exam due to a few different reasons.

Please see the most common reasons below:

  • The learner has already passed the exam

  • The learner has not been registered on the unit in question through Online Services

  • The learner has been registered but this has not yet integrated into Surpass from Online Services

  • The learner is part of an EPA course but has not completed Gateway

How to check if a learner has already passed an exam

If a learner has been registered on the qualification for some time and they are currently not showing in the candidate list then they may have already passed the exam in a previous attempt.

You may wish to schedule an exam for a learner who has already passed, so that they may improve their result. This option is not available for all exams so please ensure you check that it is allowed for the particular qualification the learner is registered onto. You can check this in the 'Qualification Manual' specifically under section '6.0' which will contain further details on retaking the exam.

If the qualification manual confirms that a learn can take a re-sit to improve their online exam score, please contact our Exams Team: and provide the following details:

  • Candidate name

  • Candidate number

  • Exam code

If you are unable to find results for the learner in question, please see below the other possible reasons for the learner not showing in the candidate list for an exam.

Has the learner been registered?

Check Online Services to ensure that the learner has been registered on the qualification and its corresponding exam unit.

If you find that the learner has not been registered on the qualification, then you will need to register them.

If you find that the learner has been registered on the qualification, but the exam unit is an optional unit that has been missed out, then this will need to be added on so that the learner can sit the exam. Our Customer Experience Team will be able to assist you with this.

Please contact our Customer Experience Team for any queries related to the 'Registration Process' either through live chat, email: or phone: 01923 652400.

The learner is registered but not yet showing in Surpass in the candidate list

Once a learner has been registered on an exam, it may take up to an hour for them to show up in the list of available candidates for an exam. If you have just registered a learner, please ensure you allow enough time for their registration to integrate into Surpass.

However, if it has been longer than an hour since the learner was registered and they are still not showing in the candidate list, please let our Exams Team know as soon as possible.

Please send the following details to so that we can look into this further for you:

  • Candidate name

  • Candidate number

  • Exam code

The learner has completed Gateway but not yet showing in Surpass in the candidate list

Once a learner has completed Gateway, our exams team will then make the learner available to the centre to book for their EPA MCT via Surpass. This can take up to 3 business days.

However, if it has been longer than 3 business days, or you require your learner to be added to the system sooner, please let our Exams Team know as soon as possible.

Please send the following details to so that we can look into this further for you:

  • Candidate name

  • Candidate number

  • Exam code

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