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Searching in Surpass
Written by Richard Fleetwood
Updated over a week ago

Search functionality is included on most of the columns in the Schedule, Invigilate and Results screens of the exam system. It is represented by a magnifying glass to the left of the box in which text can be typed in.

After pressing enter it will begin searching and return results based on what you have typed.

You can also use the filters to search for exam records by clicking on the filter icon at the top of columns.

You can choose to search by typing in text or by clicking the tick boxes in relation to what you want to search for in the 'Schedule', 'Invigilate' or 'Results' screens, then click OK.

Once information is entered into the columns the screen will only display items that meet all the search criteria if more than one filter is used.

If the correct information is not displaying when more than one search filter has been used, we advise to reset the filters before reattempting a search for the information.

To do this click β€˜Reset Filters’ towards the top left of the screen.

When searching for results, it is also advised to check that the β€˜Completed’ column filter is adjusted to capture a wide enough date range so that the search captures the records you need to locate.

The lower of the two dates should be the closest to the current date.

To view all exams sat at your centre, regardless of the date, you can select the option to 'Reset' the date under the 'Completed' column instead. Please note that this may take a while to load, depending on how many exams have been taken at your centre.

If you need any further support please contact the Exams Team:

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