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Tax knowledge
Here you will find general information on tax recognition and tax returns
13 articles
What is a list of assets?Tax Return - Tax Declaration - List of assets
Deduct from taxation
Sample Description
How to take the data for another study into accounthome office , tax declaration , study, second study, second home office
Income-related expenses - expenses for non-self-employed workemployment - expenses - non-selfemployed work
Relevant documents for rentals and leases
Fixed assetsDepreciation (AfA), special cases (GWG), non-depreciable fixed assets, a summary of fixed assets, sale, the contribution from private assets
Private cars
Journeys between home and workCommuter allowance
Business trips by private carBusiness trips under 8 hours
Business tripsTax deduction of expenses for business trips or additional expenses for meals
Cars as business assets: Yes or no?Tax - Advisor - Company car - Driver's logbook - 1%
HomeofficeTax - Guide - Workroom - Home office - tax deduction
Consideration of an additional car
Claiming Business Meal Expenses for Tax PurposesBusiness meal expenses, Hospitality expenses, Business expenses,Restaurant bill, Hospitality receipt