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Using the Garden Planner [Phones]
How to use the Garden Planner on an iPhone or Android phone
65 articles
Getting Started [Phone]
How to start using the Garden Planner on an iPhone or Android phone
Start using the Garden Planner on your smartphoneHow to get started using the Garden Planner and Journal on an iPhone or Android phone
How to view a plant's growing information [Phone]How to find all you need to know to grow each plant using an iPhone or Android phone
How to create a new plan [Phone]How to create a new plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Adding plants to your plan [Phone]How to select plants and add rows and blocks of plants on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
How to add garden beds to your plan [Phone]How to draw your garden beds on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Drawing in-ground beds [Phone]How to indicate the position of in-ground beds (as opposed to raised beds) on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
How to draw multiple beds in one plan [Phone]Planning all your growing areas in one place using an iPhone or Android phone
Adding Garden Objects to your plan [Phone]How to add and use raised beds, greenhouses, fences and other 'garden objects' using an iPhone or Android phone
Adding Shapes to your plan [Phone]How to add and use shapes (rectangles, circles, triangle and the line tool) using an iPhone or Android phone
Adding Text to your plan [Phone]How to use the Text tool to write on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
How to save your plan [Phone]How to save your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Zooming in or out of your plan [Phone]How to get a closer or wider view of your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
How to resize your plan [Phone]How to make the planning grid bigger or smaller using an iPhone or Android phone
How to plan a garden that is not rectangular [Phone]How to plan an odd-shaped garden or irregular-shaped plot, on an iPhone or Android phone
How to rotate items [Phone]Rotating shapes, objects, and rows of plants on your plan on an iPhone or Android phone
How to use the plant filters [Phone]Filtering the plant selector to show only plants that meet your needs on an iPhone or Android phone
Assign favorite plants [Phone]How to mark plants as favorites to make them quicker to find in the plant selector on an iPhone or Android phone
Find and sort your plans [Phone]How to locate your plans in the mobile Garden Planner on an iPhone or Android phone
How to lock layers on your plan [Phone]How to fade out specific elements of your plan and make them non-selectable on an iPhone or Android phone
Creating a Follow-on plan [Phone]How to reuse your plan's layout to create next year's plan on an iPhone or Android phone
Companion Planting [Phone]Finding companion plants for plants on your plan on an iPhone or Android phone. Bad companion advice.
Choosing a new Sample Plan [Phone]How to find and use our templates to try out different layouts for your garden on an iPhone or Android phone
When to plant [Phone]How to use the Garden Planner to find recommended growing dates for your location on an iPhone or Android phone.
How to view harvest totals [Phone]How to view harvest reports and total yields for the year on an iPhone or Android phone
How to find, customize or add your own variety [Phone]How to select plant varieties and customize an unlisted variety using an iPhone or Android phone
Turn off or resize plant labels [Phone]How to adjust the size of plant labels, or turn them off altogether using an iPhone or Android phone
How to resize your plan [Phone]How to make the planning grid bigger or smaller
Layer Priority and Locking [Phone]How to send items to the front or back and lock items to prevent editing
Copy and paste [Phone]How to copy and paste items on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Deleting an item [Phone]How to delete a plant, object or shape on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
How to snap items to your plan's gridlines [Phone]How to use the Snap to Grid function to 'snap' items to the nearest gridline for accurate positioning using an iPhone or Android phone
How to group items to move, copy or rotate together [Phone]How to group items to move, copy or rotate them all together using an iPhone or Android phone
Show or hide gridlines [Phone]Turn grid lines on or off on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Turn rulers off or on [Phone]Toggling rulers using an iPhone or Android phone
How to rename your plan [Phone]Changing the title of your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Deleting a plan [Phone]Remove a plan from your account using an iPhone or Android phone
How to make blue 'handles' on items smallerHow to toggle Touch Mode on and off using an iPhone or Android phone
How to rotate your whole plan [Phone]Rotate your whole plan 90 or 180 degrees with its planting history using your iPhone or Android phone
Adding a compass to your plan [Phone]Add a compass to work out where sun and shade are likely to fall in your garden using an iPhone or Android phone
How to plan your container garden [Phone]How to use the Garden Planner to plan your pot-grown plants using an iPhone or Android phone
How to add irrigation to your plan [Phone]How to find irrigation components to add to your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Using season extenders on your plan [Phone]Adding cold frames, greenhouses, row covers etc to your plan to extend your growing season using an iPhone or Android phone
Setting co-ordinates of Garden Objects and Shapes [Phone]How to set the exact position and dimensions of Garden Objects and Shapes on your plan for maximum accuracy using an iPhone or Android phone
How to edit plant spacings [Phone]Customizing your own planting distances using an iPhone or Android phone
How to turn plant labels on or off [Phone]Show or hide plant labels on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Adding notes to plants [Phone]How to add notes to plants on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Creating unique notes for a plant or variety [Phone]Set a note for a specific instance of a plant on your plan (useful for Succession Planting) using an iPhone or Android phone
Resize or turn off colored plant backgrounds [Phone]How to adjust or turn off the colored plant backgrounds using an iPhone or Android phone
How to set a plant's exact coordinates on your plan [Phone]Using the Position setting for maximum accuracy using an iPhone or Android phone
Creating custom plants [Phone]Editing plant icons to represent unlisted plants using an iPhone or Android phone
Custom sow, plant and harvest times [Phones]Customizing plant icons to set your own growing dates using an iPhone or Android
How to edit or hide plant labels [Phone]How to change how plant labels are displayed on your plan using your phone
Setting up Crop Rotation [Phone]How the Garden Planner helps with crop rotation using an iPhone or Android phone
How to filter the plant selector by crop family [Phone]How to view and choose crops belonging to a particular plant family for crop rotation on an iPhone or Android phone
Planning your succession planting [Phone]Set in-ground dates for your plants so you can see what's growing and when throughout the year using an iPhone or Android phone
Creating a follow-on plan for fall [Phone]How to create a whole new plan for your autumn garden using an iPhone or Android phone
How to turn crop rotation warnings on or off [Phone]How to add or remove a linked plan from a plan's crop rotation history using an iPhone or Android phone
How to show plants that can be sown or planted in the autumn [Phone]Using the plant filters to show only plants that can be sown or planted in the fall, using an iPhone or Android phone
How to copy your plan [Phone]Two ways to create a duplicate plan for trying out different layouts using an iPhone or Android phone
How to add the Garden Planner to your iPad's home screenCreating a Shortcut to the Garden Planner on your iPad
How to close the chat window on your smartphoneHow to minimize the chat box when you've finished talking to us using an iPhone or Android phone