8 articles
How to edit plant spacings [Phone]Customizing your own planting distances using an iPhone or Android phone
How to turn plant labels on or off [Phone]Show or hide plant labels on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Adding notes to plants [Phone]How to add notes to plants on your plan using an iPhone or Android phone
Creating unique notes for a plant or variety [Phone]Set a note for a specific instance of a plant on your plan (useful for Succession Planting) using an iPhone or Android phone
Resize or turn off colored plant backgrounds [Phone]How to adjust or turn off the colored plant backgrounds using an iPhone or Android phone
How to set a plant's exact coordinates on your plan [Phone]Using the Position setting for maximum accuracy using an iPhone or Android phone
Creating custom plants [Phone]Editing plant icons to represent unlisted plants using an iPhone or Android phone
Custom sow, plant and harvest times [Phones]Customizing plant icons to set your own growing dates using an iPhone or Android