To Request Access:
Log in to the ISS Portal:
Open your web browser and navigate to ISS Portal.
Click on Login with SAML Single Sign-On.
Initiate Access Request:
Complete the Access Request Form:
Select the Enact Business Units (this is the department of the user).
Select the Enact Security Roles (this is the role required for the job title, refer to the matrix).
Enter the Domain User ID (the user that requires access).
Select the Enact Teams (the team required for the job title, refer to the matrix).
Select the Enact Manager (the manager in EnAct of the user who requires access).
Click on the Add Request button.
To Remove Access:
Log in to the ISS Portal:
Open your web browser and navigate to ISS Portal.
Click on Login with SAML Single Sign-On.
Initiate Access Removal:
Complete the Access Removal Form:
Enter the Domain User ID (the user that should be removed).
Click on the Add Request button.
Note: This is an automated process. Once the request has been approved, the system will handle the addition or removal of access according to the submitted request.