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Flourish Pulse
Updated over 3 months ago

Basic & Monthly Temperature Measurement: 30 Seconds to Answer!

Flourish Pulse is a basic temperature measurement where our chatbot asks four questions per month, which the respondent answers anonymously on a scale of 0-10. These questions are always the same for all teams and departments within a company and are generally sent out around the same time to all teams.

On average, it takes an employee 30 seconds to complete the Flourish pulse survey. Zero is always the lowest possible score, and ten is the highest score for all Flourish surveys.

Flourish Pulse includes a total of up to 24 different questions, all validated through research and meeting the basic requirements of OSA (Organizational and Social Work Environment).

It is always based on a monthly frequency, with four different questions per month, and a cycle that renews every four to six months. This means that Flourish repeats the same questions after four to six months to show trends in the various measurement areas.

Divided into three sections: Work Environment, Engagement, and Flex.

The Work Environment section measures basic questions related to employees' experience of the work environment at the workplace. An example would be whether one feels that harassment is present in the workplace.

The Engagement section captures the next level of the employee experience, including questions about collaboration, personal development, and job satisfaction.

The Flex section is fully customizable based on each company's unique needs and preferences. This section offers suggested questions that can be used directly, or they can be replaced entirely, for example, to capture questions related to the company's values or other complementary topics.

The results of the pulse survey are presented in real time at both the team and company levels, but never for groups with fewer than four (4) people. Based on the results of the pulse survey, it is easy to schedule deeper Focus Areas to further enhance insights and gather free-text feedback from employees.

What's the difference between Flourish Pulse and Focus Areas?

Focus Areas are in-depth and/or more operational topics that place a strong emphasis on the team itself and gathering feedback in free text. The Pulse is thus a general temperature check over time to identify trends, whereas Focus Areas serve as a way to work actively with the results of the Pulse and to foster engagement within the team.

Both Pulse and Focus Areas are, of course, anonymous.

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