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Setting up your Platform Skill Levels πŸ₯‡πŸ₯ˆπŸ₯‰
Updated over 9 months ago

What is a Skill Level?

A skill level refers to the level of expertise workers need for specific tasks.

  • During the onboarding process, the Platform Admin determines a scale for skill levels to be used by the entire organization

  • When creating a skill profile, the team Admin will select the required level needed per skill

Examples of Skill Levels

Depending on your organization's needs, you can implement a scale that includes between 2 to 5 skill levels.

Example scale with 2 Skill Levels

Example scale with 5 Skill Levels

Once you have set up your platform skill levels and started assessing employees, you can no longer change the number of skill levels. You can edit the names of the skill levels at any time.

Edit the Skill Level Names

πŸ’‘ Only Platform Admins can perform this action

  1. Click on Settings in the main menu

  2. Select Platform

  3. Select Skill Levels

  4. Click on the pencil icon to change the name of the skill level

  5. Modify the name of the skill level


πŸ‘£ Follow the step-by-step instructions in SwipeGuide

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