Creating Custom fields
Updated over a week ago

In Samdock, you can already store a lot of information about your contacts using the standard fields. If you want to document additional individual information, you can create and use custom fields.

Here's how:

1. Open settings for custom fields

To get there, click on the gear icon at the bottom left of the menu and click on "Custom fields".

2. Add new custom field

On the settings page, you will now find an overview of the fields you have already created. As soon as you click on the plus icon in the upper right corner, the possible field types will be displayed.

You can create custom fields for people and companies separately. This way it is easier to distinguish which type of additional fields you want to see for a person and which for a company.

These types of custom fields are available:

Text input: A free text field, here you can enter any text you like.

Single choice: A drop-down menu with several choice options, which you can define yourself. The advantage compared to a text input field is that there are predefined answers, which makes filtering for these fields easier later.

Multiple choice: Identical to the single choice field, except here you can select multiple fields.

Currency: Here you can create a number field in the currency of your customer.

3. Add custom field to a contact

Once you have created your custom fields, you can use them just like any other field in your person's or organization's contacts. To do so, click the plus icon on the contact page (image 1) and add the desired field by filling it in (image 2).

Image 1:

Image 2:

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