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Create a Form
Updated over a week ago

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create forms to collect email addresses and other data from your leads that will go straight to Samdock's Inbox.

NOTE: Only admins can create forms. Ask your admin to grant you permission to create one for your account.

Create your form

From the Home Dashboard, go to Settings.

Click on Inbox Center.

Click on New source.

Select the type of form you want to create:

  • Simple form: create your form and embed it on your website

  • Custom API source: create a form that will be connected from your website to Samdock through API

For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll choose Simple form.

To the left side, you'll get all the options to create, and edit your form. Click on Add fields to start composing it.

Select all the fields you'd like your form to include. They're divided into 3 categories:

  • Person fields: all the information that will be stored as part of the Contact person

  • Organization fields: all the information that will be stored as part of the Contact organization

  • Lead fields: any additional information that'll help you qualify your leads later on

Once you've picked the fields you need, click on Save and return.

Customize your form

Once you've picked the fields for your form, you'll view it like in the screenshot below. From here, you'll get to customize your form.

Customize fields

To customize your form, you have two options to use alone or combined:

  • Use placeholder texts

  • User custom CSS classes

Use placeholder texts

Select this option if you wish to customize the field titles and the placeholder texts. Keep reading to learn what they mean and how to edit them.

Use custom CSS classes

☝ A CSS class is an attribute that you can use to apply a specific style and format to HTML elements, like changing the font style, font color, background color, underline, etc.

Select this option if you wish to add a CSS Class. Once selected, you'll see the CSS class field next to the placeholder where you'll get to enter your desired configuration for every field in your form.

Field title

This is an internal use label for the information we'll collect with the form.

This is the label that this field will show when published.


This is a hint of the expected value that goes in the field. If the field to fill in is "first name", the placeholder will be the name, for example, "Luna".

Field required or optional

Select whether this field will be compulsory to fill in before the form can be sent to Samdock.

Rearrange the order of the fields

Select the field you'd like to rearrange, drag it, and drop it where you want it to be.

Remove field

Click on the 3 dots to view the option to delete the field.


The right section of the screen is dedicated to submission customization.

Below, we'll explain step by step what every section represents.

Submit button

This section lets you customize:

  • Button text: the copy that'll go in the button

  • CSS class: format and style you want to apply onto the button

  • URL for redirection: once the form's been submitted, the user will be redirected to the URL you indicate here

Consent for marketing communications

☝ The double opt-in occurs when a user signs up for marketing communication emails, and a verification email is sent to their inbox to confirm the subscription. While it's not an obligatory requirement under the GDPR regulation, it's considered a best practice in the European Union.

When you check this box, you add a double opt-in option, which allows you to send a verification email to the user to confirm their signup to your marketing communication.

Submission settings

When you receive a new source request in Samdock, you can choose to manually verify it's a lead, or to let Samdock qualify it as a lead automatically. If this is the case, check the Create a lead checkbox. You'll receive your submissions already qualify as leads in the Leads section.

You can also choose to let Samdock automatically assign all the leads created with this form to a specific person in your team.

To do so, pick the person you want to assign the leads to in the unfolding menu, as we show in the GIF.

Otherwise, the leads will be unassigned by default.

Embedding the form

Here you'll see the code that corresponds to the form you've just created.

To embed it into your website, click on Copy code to clipboard and then paste it in your website.

Embedding the form

Here you'll see the code that corresponds to the form you've just created.

To embed it into your website, click on Copy code to clipboard and then paste it in your website.

Activate or disable your form

You can choose to activate or disable your form with the Active dropdown menu at the top of the page. If you choose to disable it, you won't get any more requests coming from that form in Samdock.

Delete your form

Click on the 3 dots next to Active and then on Delete to eliminate your form.

NOTE: this action can't be undone.

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