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The PSUK Portal

This article covers how you can access the PSUK Ordering Portal

Written by Joseph Davies
Updated over 7 months ago

As a PSUK member you have access to the PSUK Portal which is a dynamic one screen ordering system that gives you the facility to place orders, view historic orders, access sales information on products and take advantage of our MyDeal and APM+ propositions.

The PSUK Portal has the ability to control purchasing to ensure you are not at risk of losing profit or income, which we know is vital in Dispensing Doctor practices.

You must be logged in to the PSUK Website in order to access the PSUK Portal, which can be reached in various ways.

Firstly, by the big red Ordering Portal button on the homepage:

By clicking the drop-down menu next to your name in the top right-hand corner of the screen and then clicking the red Ordering Portal button:

Or alternatively, you can use the red Ordering Portal button in the main Member Dashboard:

If you are having trouble accessing the PSUK Portal, please contact the PSUK Team on 01904 558360.

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