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Using the Garden Journal [Phones]
How to use the Journal to record tasks, notes and photos of your garden
11 articles
How to open the Garden Journal [Phone]How to use the Garden Journal using an iPhone or Android phone
View Your Journal History [Phone]View all of your Journal activity for any plant in the Garden Planner using an iPhone or Android phone
Recording Journal tasks: planting, watering, tending, or harvesting [Phone]How to record in your Journal when you cared for your plants using an iPhone or Android phone
Adding notes to your Journal [Phone]How to add notes to your Journal entries using an iPhone or Android phone
Adding photos to your Journal [Phone]How to add photos to your Journal entries using an iPhone or Android phone
Search your Journal [Phone]How to look at all your activity for a specific plant or task in your Journal using an iPhone or Android phone
Editing a previous week's activity in your Journal [Phone]How to make changes to older notes, tasks and photos using an iPhone or Android phone
Untag a plant in your Journal [Phone]Remove tags from plants in Journal notes and tasks using an iPhone or Android phone
Deleting a plant from a task in the Journal [Phone]How to remove a plant from a task that you've recorded in the Journal using an iPhone or Android phone
Setting reminders [Phone]How to schedule tasks in your Journal using an iPhone or Android phone
View previous years in your Journal [Phone]View entries you've made in previous years in your Journal using an iPhone or Android phone