
Explore the different widgets available on the A-INSIGHTS homepage

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Written by Admin
Updated over a week ago

Upon logging in, you’ll be redirected to the homepage of the A-INSIGHTS portal, where you’ll find widgets for each of the main sections.

Company updates

In the ‘Company updates’ widget, you’ll find an overview of companies with recently updated figures. Clicking on a company will redirect you to that particular company, while clicking on ‘view all companies’ will redirect you to the Companies section of your A-INSIGHTS portal, where you can find an overview of all companies in your selection.

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Filing progress

The filing progress widget shows you the percentage and number of companies that have figures available per year. This allows you to easily track who has already filed their figures for the most recent year, and who might still be missing. Clicking on any year in the filing progress widget will redirect you to the Companies section, where you’ll see all companies with their figures for the year you’ve clicked on.

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Top 5 and Bottom 5 performers

You’ll also see two widgets with the top 5 performers and the bottom 5 performers. These widgets show you the companies with the five highest and lowest % EBIT or % EBITDA (depending on your settings) for the most recent year for which we have data for at least 55% of companies in your selection. We use the 55% rule to ensure that the top 5 and bottom 5 performers paint a representative picture of your selection of companies. Clicking on ‘view more’ will redirect you to the Companies section of your portal and show all companies ranked on profitability (in ascending or descending order depending on whether you’ve clicked top 5 or bottom 5).

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Trends & Market

In the Trends & Market widget, you’ll find the most recent news articles on companies in your selection. Each news article is linked to the company it applies to, and tagged with a label indicating what category the news article is about. Clicking on the news article will open a new tab in your browser, directing you to the original source of the article. Clicking on ‘view more’ will redirect you to the Trends & Market section, where you’ll find an overview of all news articles on the companies in your selection.

On larger screens, the Trends & Market widget also has an overview of most frequent tags in the last 6 months. This shows a chart with the most frequent news article tags in the last 6 months along with the count of articles for each of those categories. Clicking on any of those tag categories will redirect you to the Trends & Market section, showing all articles for the category you clicked on.

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Performance Quadrant

The Performance Quadrant shows the companies in your selection plotted on their % EBIT or % EBITDA (depending on your settings) and the % net sales development in the most recent year for which we have data available for at least 55% of companies in your selection. The Performance Quadrant therefore provides a quick overview of recent profitability and growth of the companies in your selection. Clicking on ‘View all benchmarks’ will redirect you to the Benchmarks section of your A-INSIGHTS portal.

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Under sustainability, you'll see two things: Firstly, a link to the most recent A-INSIGHTS content on the topic of sustainability. Secondly, you'll see a selection of recent CSR reports as filed by the companies in your selection. Clicking on either one of these elements will redirect you to the subsection of our Sustainability section that contains the A-INSIGHTS content, and the CSR reports, respectively. Lastly, clicking on 'Sustainability Intelligence' at the bottom of the widget will redirect you to the opening page of the Sustainability section.

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