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FAQ Market Monitor
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Written by Admin
Updated over a year ago

How do you calculate production for a certain region or country?

It diffes per country and region. Main source to calculate production are permits and other related official documentation, followed by company communication and news articles. For further information, you can find the article on 'capacity' here.

How do you prognose future consumption for a certain region or country?

Consumption growth projections are based the historic correlation between consumption per capita and macro-economic indicators and the projected development of both these macro-economic indicators and the population. These total market volumes are combined with estimations of the development of QSR volumes based on projected outlet development, historic trends in retail and foodservice to approximate the future channel split. For further information, you can find the article on 'consumption' here.

Do you make any alterations to the data?

In general the answer is no, we work only with primary data and use the data as it is. However, there is some data that is 1) either created by ourselves (consumption and capacity) or 2) slightly altered by our thoroughly cleaning process (Shipment Intelligence). For Shipment Intelligence these alterations comes down to correcting for outliers or calculating volumes and values based on underlying metrics (e.g. average price/kg). However this only relates to a small percentage (in the range of 1-3% of the total volume).

What sources are used for the data?

You can find an article on the data sources and the update frequencies here.

Why am I missing a certain country in the dropdown list?

The simple answer: there is no data then for these countries. We have designed the dashboard in such a way that we want to make sure that in drop-down, filters and other elements only content is shown for which there is data.

What are the update frequencies for the different data sources?

You can find an article on the data sources and the update frequencies here.

What is the average time-lag before data becomes available?

For trade statistics: 1.5 months after closing the month and 2.5 month for intra EU trade. For shipment intelligence, this is quite similar. However, there are a few exceptions for "mirror data" (mainly Middle East and Asia). Read for about this in the "additional note" within "Shipment Intelligence" in the Explanatory Hub.

When is the data complete for a certain month?

You can find an article on the data sources and the update frequencies here.

How do you process restatements and will I be notified about any significant restatements?

For restatements, we always rely and trust our sources that the restatement lead to better data. For minor restatements (less than 5% of the volume), we process them without further communication. When there is a restatement for a data field that was significantly off or is now more than 5% different than the prior situation, we will inform you pro-actively and add them to the section "restatements overview" in the Explanatory Hub. Restatements can only happen in the last 14 months or in the last data load (related to consumption and capacity)

What does your quality control look like?

Our quality control consists of both automatic and manual processes and procedures. In terms of automatic processes: we have quality checks in place that 1) check whether data is filed in time by our sources (and if not check what's the cause and act on it) and 2) pro-active inform us about potential incorrect outliers that need further investigation. Secondly, regarding the manual procedures, around data load times we make sure that we also go over the data and insights from a business perspective in person so that we can spot any potentially flaws that were either technically correct or improvements for the automatic data checks.

How do I reset my password?

Go to "settings" (click on your name) in the A INSIGHTS platform and click "change password" or click "Forgot password" in the login screen

How do I add / remove a user?

This is only possible if you are your company admin. When that's the case, go to "User Management (click on your name) and make the desired changes

How do I create an export of my selected filters?

We have two ways to create exports: within the "Reporting & Data Exports" section, there are pre-set tables defined on different topics that you can alter to your needs with the page filters on top. Secondly, you can export the data behind all visualizations on pages as well. Simply click in both cases in the right top corner of the visual or table on the "..." and export the data.

Can I save my selected filters?

Unfortunately not. The tool doesn't allow you to save your filters for next sessions.

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