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Learn about how we display prices in Quanticfy

Updated over a week ago

How do we deal with price changes?

Shopify does not save the price history of products.

At Quanticfy, we know your price history up to the day you connected your shop with Quanticfy. We cannot retrieve price history before that date, as we did not have access to it.

When processing past orders, we will apply the oldest price we know (we take the last known price closest to the order's date).

We only keep the latest known price for a product, as well as the oldest, and 8 different prices in between maximum. That makes a total of 10 prices top in our price history for each product.

As a shop owner, you might change the prices of your products on a regular basis. If you do so often, and through the product sheet directly (not by applying a general discount to your shop), you might encounter some issues in Quanticfy, such as data gaps between your Shopify back office and our dashboards (revenue, ROAS).

We are currently not able to process price histories for several currencies regarding the same product. We are working on adding this feature in the near future. As of today, our price histories are for all currencies together.

Are the prices displayed in Quanticfy including or excluding taxes?

In Quanticfy, as of now, all prices regarding attribution are displayed excluding taxes, and all prices in our business and products dashboards are displayed including taxes, excluding shipping costs.

We are currently working on improving our system and displaying prices excluding taxes on all our dashboards (attribution, business, and product), for more clarity.

Why is that so?

Shopify does not provide us with prices excluding taxes for your shop.

Yet, we need the prices excluding taxes to match them with media spending (cost) data that are excluding taxes by default, so we can provide you with ROAS and EMS. (We could not do it by having prices including taxes on one hand, and prices excluding taxes on the other).

At the moment, our system does not allow us to gather VAT information from your shop product by product. We have to reconstruct an average VAT rate for the whole shop and use it to deduce the prices excluding taxes.

How do we calculate the average VAT rate?

We are currently calculating the average VAT rate like so:

Average VAT rate = (VAT rate 1 * number of products with rate 1) + (VAT rate 2 * number of products with rate 2) / total number of products

So for instance, if you have in your shop, 73% of your products with a 20% VAT, and 27% of your products with a 5.5% VAT, the average VAT rate in the Quanticfy system for your shop would be:

(0.73*20) + (0.27*5.5) = 16.085%

We then reapply this average VAT rate (here, 16.1%) to your global revenue.

This might cause a slight discrepancy between the revenue displayed in our dashboards versus that in the Shopify back office, which we discuss on this page.

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