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Setting up Reminder Cycles

Sett up Expiry dates for periodical reviews of your Team(s) Guides

Updated over 11 months ago

In order to have a periodical review of your Guides, you can now utilize the expiry dates feature. On a team level you can set the generic expiry time-frame for the documents your team is producing (e.g. 1 year).

Platform Admin and Admin can set up Reminder Cycles.

Note: You first have to set up approval workflow for your team, and then this feature will become available.

You can read more about Approval workflow in our help article

Set the standard reminder cycle for your Team

  1. Click "User Management" and then click "Teams" in the main menu of the platform

2. Click on the Team you want to manage

3. Click the "Notifications" tab

4. Set up the standard reminder cycle for this Team

Note: The changes are saved automatically.

Per Guide publication the expiry date will be set according to the generic expiry time frame that has been set up for the team that the Guide is assigned to.

Hence, Approvers will automatically receive a notification within the selected time frame, reminding them to review the Guides and re-approve or give feedback for improvements.

Set up the expiry date on the Guide

With each Guide publication, Approvers can overrule the standard timeframe for that Guide expiry date when needed & set up a different reminder cycle for that specific Guide. Once the expiry date is set a notification will be triggered at the date that the Guide needs a review (and potential update).

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