Follow these steps to download data from a cloud processing:
Go to the project’s cloud processing page.
Select the cloud processing in the list on the left from which you want to export data.
Under Downloadable Data, you will find the option to download the data you are interested in from the cloud processing.
Project Data
REPORT (.PDF) - A report on the accuracy of the flight. Here you can find information about the accuracy of each GCP point, how much the cameras have been adjusted, and more. It is important to read this to know the accuracy of the model data in SkyView.
PROJECT (.ZIP) - Project data for use in Agisoft Metashape.
GCP / Ground Control Points (.CSV) - Text file containing surveyed flight supports for the flight if used.
IMAGES (.ZIP) - The original images that were used during the upload of the flight.
Point Cloud
Point Cloud (.LAS) - Georeferenced point cloud (*.las).
Point Cloud (.LAZ) - Georeferenced point cloud (*.laz).
Filtered Point Cloud - The Thinned Point Cloud add-on that can be selected in a cloud processing. The file format is based on the specified settings.
3D Models
Ground Model (.DXF) - The Ground (*.dxf) add-on that can be selected in a cloud processing.
3D Model (.OBJ) - 3D model of the flight (*.obj).
Cesium 3D-tiles (.ZIP) - A 3D model in the Cesium 3D Tiles file format (*.zip). The mapping is automatically linked to a timeline during cloud processing.
Orthophoto (.TIF) - An orthophoto of the flight (*.tif) with the GSD value used.
Orthophoto WORLD file (.TFW) - Transformation file belonging to the TIF file with the GSD value used.
GSD 0.1 Orthophoto (.TIF) - An orthophoto of the flight with GSD 0.1 (*.tif).
GSD 0.1 Orthophoto WORLD file (.TFW) - Transformation file belonging to the TIF file with GSD 0.1.