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Import & Export
Importing your Data into Samdock
Importing your Data into Samdock
Updated over a week ago

Importing your data into Samdock:

With our import, you can either add new data or bulk edit existing data

  1. Go to your settings page via the navigation bar, then head to Features -> Import and Export

  2. Select Import and you will be shown a new page for importing your data

  3. You can import persons and organizations all in one file.

  4. For your convenience, we have provided you with an XLSX as well as a CSV template to download, which you can use as a reference for seamless import.

Steps to add new data:

  1. Upload:

    1. Drop your file into the drop section on the import page or click to select and add a file

  2. Sheet selection:

    1. Samdock will identify the columns on your file and match them to the closest possible data type

  3. Match columns:

    1. In the third step, you will be able to map columns in case we were unable to identify some data

    2. Once all columns are mapped, click on confirm

  4. Review entities:

    1. In the last step, you can correct any errors, manipulate any data, and add or delete any rows as you please.

    2. Once your data is reviewed, click on "Finish import" and confirm via the "Submit" button

  5. You're all set! Now you can continue your work on Samdock and we will notify you once your import is complete!

Steps to update existing data:

For this to work, we use persons' emails and organization names to identify unique contacts. Our smart identification system prevents duplicates from being created, provided these unique identifiers are provided.

If some duplicates are already present in the system, Samdock will update the first contact in its list and ignore all the remaining duplicates with the same emails/names.

  1. Upload:

    1. Drop your file into the drop section on the import page or click to select and add a file

  2. Sheet selection:

    1. Samdock will identify the columns on your file and match them to the closest possible data type

  3. Match columns:

    1. In the third step, you will be able to map columns in case we were unable to identify some data

  4. Once all columns are mapped, click on confirm

  5. Review entities:

    1. In the last step, you can correct any errors, manipulate any data, and add or delete any rows as you please.

  6. Once your data is reviewed, click on "Finish import" and confirm via the "Submit" button

  7. You're all set! Now you can continue your work on Samdock and we will notify you once your import is complete!

Hints to have a seamless, error-free import:

  1. Make sure to include all the mandatory fields.

  2. For organizations, the organization name is mandatory

    1. If you upload a file with organization fields without the organization name column, all organization data will be ignored

  3. For persons, the person's last name is mandatory

    1. If you upload a file with persons fields without the last name column, all person data will be ignored

  4. Use the "Show all rows with errors" toggle to see all your incorrect fields in one place.

  5. We will provide you hints to solve your errors in-line within Samdock so that you don't have to leave the page before completing the import!

Most persons and organizations fields accept text /string format, which means you can import any text into Samdock, and we will get them as valid data, except for the fields mentioned in the table below:

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