Global Data export
Updated over a week ago

Export and back up your data with one click on Samdock!

Go to Settings >> Import and Export >> Export

Select the data you want to export, and your files will be exported in CSV format. You can export multiple files simultaneously.


  1. What data can I export?

    1. Persons

    2. Organizations

    3. Leads

    4. Deals

    5. Tasks

    6. Users

  2. Why do I see entity IDs instead of names?

    1. For interlinked entities, we use IDs as an identifier exported into the Excel file.

  3. What fields are currently not available?

    1. Currently, we do not offer the possibility to export custom fields, notes, meetings and call logs.

  4. Why are my files not formatted?

    1. Depending on your OS settings and/or spreadsheet app, the file could be incorrectly formatted. To resolve the issue, you could try the following methods:

      1. On macOS + Numbers: If the decimal separator on your Mac is different from the default one of your region, the file format could be broken. To resolve this, open the file in Excel.

  5. Why do I see a sep=; row on numbers?

    1. We have added a sep=; metadata to files that will help Excel or Numbers identify the separator to open the file's separate columns.

  6. Why are accented characters not shown correctly?

    1. All files are exported in a standard UTF-8 format for consistency and cross-OS compatibility. Accented characters can be viewed by following the steps below:

    • macOS: Open the file on Numbers

    • Windows: Open file on Notepad >> Save As >> Choose format ANSI encoding >> Save. Now reopen the file in Excel.

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