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Updated over a year ago

In this article you will learn what a lead is in Samdock and you will get an overview of the leadboard.


☝ Leads are people or companies who are interested in what you are selling. They are contacts that have the potential to become customers.

In Samdock, you can create leads directly from your inbox, from forms or via the API integration. They are automatically forwarded after your approval or can be created manually by you or your team members.

The total number of leads you currently have can be found next to the title of this section.

Create a lead

Add new lead

You can create a new lead directly from the home view, from a contact or from the lead board. The screenshot shows the creation of a new lead from the lead board.

  1. To do this, click on the New button. This is located in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  2. Click on new lead to add a lead manually

Fill in all the data (qualification parameters) you have about the lead:

  • Type of contact: is it an individual (e.g. Marie Olson) or a company (e.g. Comic Inc.)

  • Optional title: This is an internal title for your team to easily identify the lead.

  • Tasks: Add tasks that you need to complete to move this lead to the next stage of your pipeline.

  • Qualify your lead: Depending on the information available to you, you can qualify your lead now or later.

Pending leads

This section displays all leads that were generated via the forms or the API.

Here you qualify the leads with the BANT qualification method.

BANT is a lead qualification method for B2B companies. The method was developed to determine whether a potential customer is ready to complete the purchase of your product or service. BANT is an acronym for: Budget: refers to the budget available to the lead.

Click on the contact you want to qualify and fill in all the data (qualification parameters) you have about the lead.

Parameters" refers to the icons on the right-hand side of the lead, which turn green as soon as the parameters are met.

PRO TIPP: Samdock automatically moves the lead from the "Pending" status to the "Qualified" status when all qualification parameters are met.


In this section you will find all your qualified leads.

  • As mentioned above, Samdock automatically moves your leads from "Pending" to "Qualified" when all qualification parameters are filled in.

  • But even if you have not filled in all the parameters, you can manually move each contact from "Pending" to "Qualified".


You can move your leads manually into your pipelines on the right-hand side of the screen at any time by dragging and dropping them.

Ideally, you should follow the normal sequence of "Pending", "Qualification" and "Move to pipeline".

However, it can happen that acquisition and qualification take place at the same time. In this case, you can use Samdock to manually move each lead into the pipeline at any time.

It is desirable, but not necessary, that all quantification parameters are met in order to move a lead into the pipeline.

Archiving or deleting a lead

  1. Click on the lead you want to edit

  2. Once the lead is open, click on the 3 dots on the top right-hand side

You can then choose what you want to do next. Duplicate, archive, delete.


If you delete a lead, this action cannot be undone.

Display of archived leads

To view your archived leads, click on the "Show archive" button next to the "New lead" button.

Sorting leads

You can sort your leads by oldest or newest by clicking on the Sort by button and choosing between these two options.

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