Updated over a week ago

In this tutorial, we'll show you what a pipeline is, and how to manage yours at Samdock.

☝ A pipeline is a representation of the journey your contacts go on from being a qualified lead to closing the deal. It's divided into different stages that the contact goes through.

In Samdock, pipelines are presented as a kanban board, from which you can drag and drop deals onto the different stages of the pipeline.

Rename a pipeline

Hover over the name of the pipeline and type your new name to rename it.

Amount of deals

This number you see on top of the screen represents the number of deals in your pipeline.

Search all deals

Search any deal in this specific pipeline. Note that other deals in different pipelines won't show in the results.

All your pipelines

In the left section of the screen, you'll see all the pipelines you've created.

Click on the one you need to view it.

Add pipeline

Create a new pipeline by clicking on Add pipeline.

Delete a pipeline

  1. Click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the screen to unfold more options.

  2. Click on Delete pipeline to eliminate the pipeline. Note that this action can't be undone.

NOTE: there must be at least one pipeline for Samdock to work. Because of this, only the additional pipelines can be deleted.


Every column that you see represents a stage in the pipeline.

☝ A stage represents a step in the customer's journey, from qualified lead to closed deal.

Add a stage

Hover over and in between two stages to create a new stage in the pipeline.

Pipeline settings

Click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner, and then on Pipeline settings.

Rename the pipeline

Here you'll be able to change the name of your pipeline.

Locked stages

You'll see a lock icon next to the first and the last stage of the pipeline.

The reason why is that Samdock needs to have a beginning and an ending stage of a pipeline to work, so these are not possible to delete nor to rearrange in a different order.

Rearrange the stages of the pipeline

To reorder the stages of the pipeline, drag and drop the stage you need to move from the two lines next to every name of a stage.

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