Qualify your leads
Updated over a week ago

To avoid losing or stalling promising deals - which is especially annoying if you've already invested a lot of time in them - Samdock makes sure that all the important information are already available when qualifying your prospects.

In our article about leads and deals, you can learn more about the difference and how these two interact.

Seamless qualification with the BANT method

In the best case, only deals that have a real chance of being won end up on your deal board. In order to spend as little time and effort as possible on unpromising prospects, you qualify them to have enough information about the prospect's chances for success.

This is done easily and intuitively in Samdock using the BANT method. This is a proven way to qualify your prospects. It asks for four critical pieces of information that clearly show you whether it makes sense to move forward with this prospect or not:


How much money does your prospect have available? If the potential customer's budget does not match your prices, it will probably be difficult to close the deal.


Who is the final decision maker and/or has budget responsibility? Often your contact person is not the one who makes the final decision.


What does the customer need and what problems does he want to solve? If this is consistent with the services of your company, this is already an important step.


Don't forget: When would the prospect like to have a solution, use your services? Leads that are more likely to become customers in the near future should be prioritized.

Once a lead is sufficiently qualified for you, you can turn it into a deal by dragging and dropping it to a person from your team for further processing.

To learn more about deals, read our article about creating deals.

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