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Manage your deals
Manage your deals
Updated over a week ago

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to manage the deals in your pipelines, and what to include in each section of the deal's details.

Manage a deal

Manage a deal by clicking on it from the Deals screen.

All the information regarding the deal will unfold. Below, we'll explain what each section represents.

Stage in the pipeline

Here you'll see what stage in the pipeline your deal is in, and what stages are left until the deal is closed.

Primary contact

In this section, you'll see the primary contact for that deal and their primary information. In other words, the person you're speaking you to gets to close the deal.

Deal details

Here you'll find the details of the deal:

  • Estimated value: the estimated value for the whole deal

  • Positions:

    • Position: the item, product, or service

    • Quantity: the number of items

    • Unit: how many pieces, if it's a product, or how many hours if it's a service

    • Net value: the net price of the item

    • Net total: the sum of all net values

    • Tax: the tax calculation over the net value

    • Tax total: the sum of all tax calculations

    • Net amount: the net value, plus the tax

    • Total: the sum of all net amounts

NOTE: for the moment, the default currency is Euros, but we're working on offering more currencies shortly. Suggest yours in our Roadmap.


Here you'll find all the tasks associated with the deal.


The BANT qualification values you introduced when qualifying the lead. This can be modified at any time with the ✏️ icon in the upper right corner of this section, Edit details.

Additional contacts

Here you'll find the other contacts associated with this deal.

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