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Manufacturer Discount Schemes

This article gives you information on our MDS offering

Written by Joseph Davies
Updated over 8 months ago

As a PSUK member you have access to over 80 Manufacturer Discount Schemes covering around 1,200 products. With many of these schemes being exclusive or having enhanced terms through PSUK.

With PSUK you only have to sign up to an MDS once, even when products are added or discounts change, your original sign-up will remain active. Once you have completed a PSUK MDS sign-up form, please ensure you email these back to us at:

All PSUK’s MDS Schemes operate through PHOENIX Healthcare Distribution, which is part of the PHOENIX Group.

We do need to remind members that manufacturers may implement rebate caps to any of the products on their scheme without prior notice.

Please visit the MDS section of our website (MDS Schemes | PSUK) to view all of our current MDS terms.

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