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Active Price Management

This articles gives you information on Active Price Management (APM)

Written by Joseph Davies
Updated over a week ago

APM is an exclusive proposition only available to you as a PSUK member. APM ensures you get the best deal on your generic purchases.

The key benefits of using APM are:

  • Electronic ordering system through the PSUK Portal.

  • Competitive generic pricing across your entire basket of generic products.

  • Consistency of supply.

  • Drives efficiencies.

  • Monthly PSUK APM rebate can drive your practice profit.

  • Industry leading availability via our KEYS bins.

  • Brand to generic switching via Generic Switch to maximise on the profitability opportunities that off-patent and new generic launches can offer.

  • Streamline ordering.

For more information on APM, please contact your PSUK Dispensing Doctor Account Manager.

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