Registered partners can upload their sites and addresses directly via the user interface on the Cofinity-X Portal.
Please take into consideration that a site should only be uploaded and modified by the owner (the legal entity) , see the BPDM standard CX-0010 Business Partner Number v2.2.1 | Catena-X - Library
Before you begin provisioning your site and address information, ensure that you have the correct portal user role. The role required is "Business Partner Data Manager." As a company admin, you can assign this role to yourself or other members through the user management section, as shown in this manual.
Log into the Portal with your user credentials. On the homepage, navigate to the user menu on the top right corner. Then, select “Your Company”.
Here you can upload one by one your sites and their related addresses. To do so, click on “Add Site”. In the pop-up window, fill in the necessary information. All fields are mandatory.
As data owner, you are responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the provided data!
You can click on "Submit" after successfully inserting all the data or on "Cancel" if you want to abort the process. Upon submission, the validation process operated by Cofinity-X is initiated. This can take up to 48 hours.
You can monitor the status of the validation process on the page “Your Company".
There are three types of status stages:
Processing: the validation process of the inserted data is still ongoing. It can take up to 48 hours to complete.
Success: this is when the validation process has been successfully completed.
Error: the provided data cannot be matched to a legal entity or an address.
Here is a list of possible reasons why the error message is shown:
The provided record contains a natural personal information.
The provided record cannot be linked to a clear legal entity.
The provided record does not fulfill the mandatory validation rules.
The provided record is part of a country for which the validation process cannot be performed.
The provided record contains unknown special characters.
When the “Error” message is shown, you can edit the inserted data by clicking on “Details” of the corresponding row.
In the window that pops up with the title “Site Information”, navigate to the button “Edit".
Here, you can override the data you previously inserted. You can either click on “Save & submit” to save the edited information or on “Cancel” to leave the edit mode.
After submission, the data validation process will be restarted and it can take up to 48 hours to complete.
In case the error persists even if you provided the correct information, please contact our customer support team:
Other important information to get successfully started: