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This page provides answers to common questions during the registration process. Find quick solutions or contact us at

Updated yesterday

General questions:

Which company data do I need to add in the registration?

For the company registration to Catena-X, legal company data is needed. Please add the headquarter information inside the given fields. If you already have a BPN (Business Partner Number) available, you can easily add the BPN inside the search field and we will pre-fill your company data automatically.

What happens with my added company data?

Your company data is used for the registration to Catena-X and to create (if not yet existing) a Golden Record data set of your company HQ. This will enable the BPN creation.

What if my company doesn't have a postal code?

If you don't have a postal code, don't worry, just keep the field empty.

I am not able to finish the registration right away - what shall/can I do?

That’s not a problem. With your user login you can logout and login again later. Your current state of registration will be saved, and you can finish the steps as soon as you re-join.

Company roles:

Can I select multiple roles?

Yes, you have to select at least one role and can select up to 4 roles with which you can participate in the network.

What if I want to add or remove my role(s) later on?

That’s no problem at all! If you want to change the roles after registration, you can do so in the profile menu. Note: You always need to have selected at least one role.


What are the right steps to enable my EDC Connector within the dataspace?

To fully utilise and connect your EDC Connector in the dataspace, please follow these steps:

Own connector

  1. Create the technical user via “Technical User Management” inside the portal (see Technical User Creation)

  2. Look-up your connector configuration details needed to set the necessary wallet connection URL’s within your connector configuration file (see Technical User Details)

  3. Deploy your connector within your company environment

  4. Register the connector in the dataspace and link the registration with the technical user (see Connector Configuration)

What if I don’t have an own connector but using a managed connector/Connector-as-a-Service solution?

In case of CaaS, please contact your provider. Steps such as connector registration etc. shouldn’t be needed since your provider is enabled to take over those actions if the connector is contracted via our marketplace.

What do I need to enter within the “Location” field inside the connector registration overlay?

Please add your connector Location using the Alpha2CountryCode. E.g.:


Alpha-2 code







United States of America (the)


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