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Control your View

Learn how to use the Panorama control panel to see the spaces and pages you need.

Sandy Fargus avatar
Written by Sandy Fargus
Updated over a week ago

From the Panorama control panel you can choose which pages you can see by selecting which spaces you want to include and applying filters.

Adding spaces

When you first open Panorama, you see the space you are currently in. Add or remove spaces from the view with the Spaces field.

Start typing in the field or select the down arrow to see a list of spaces.

Removing spaces

To remove all the spaces from your view select the x at the end of the field.

To remove one space select the x next to a space you want to remove.

Apply filters

You can filter the pages that are shown on the control panel based on a combination of label and status.

To add filters select the Filters button at the top right of the control panel.

Select the down arrow to add a status or label to the filter.

You can add as many items to the filter as you want.

To exclude pages select the status or label you want removed from the control panel and then select the Exclude checkbox.

You can combine the filters to get only the pages you need. In the example above the control panel will show pages that have one of the labels visual-impact or cfm, and do not have verified status.

To apply your filters select Apply.

The control panel now shows only pages which fit the filters.

When filters are applied you cannot see the tree view of pages or rearrange them by drag and drop. This is because not all the pages are shown. You can still move a page using the page menu.

Clear filters

To remove filters from the control panel you can select the x buttons next to items to remove them one at a time.

To remove all the filters at once select Clear filters.

Select Apply to update your control panel.

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