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Update Labels

Learn how to use the Panorama control panel to update the labels on a page.

Sandy Fargus avatar
Written by Sandy Fargus
Updated over 3 months ago

To update the labels on a page hover over the labels column for the page you want to update.

Select the edit icon when it appears to open the edit labels dialog.

Add a new label

To add a new label select Add Label.

Enter the label you wish to add and select accept.

Each separate word will be added as its own label. To add a two word label try using a - eg. release-notes.

Select Apply to add the label to the page.

Edit a label

To edit an existing label select the edit icon next to the label you want to edit.

Change the label and select accept

Select Apply to update the label.

Delete a label

To delete a single label from a page select the delete icon, next to the label.

If you delete the wrong label you can easily restore it.

Select Apply to remove the label.

To delete all the labels from a page at once, select Remove all labels

If you change your mind you can restore the labels before you apply the change.

Select Apply to remove the labels.

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