The documents section on ProCure+ is a fantastic tool that allows you to access all your Phoenix documents in one place. To find out how, follow the steps below.
Begin by logging into ProCure+ as usual. Upon logging in, you should see a button called "documents" at the top right corner of the screen. Click here to enter the documents section of the portal.
Once you have opened the documents area of the portal, you will see a panel on the left-hand side of the screen that covers all the types of documents you can access within ProCure+.
Document types include:
Pick notes
All documents
* please note NHS customers should refer to statements from credit control
Click on the desired document type you wish to find, or if you aren't sure which type it is, click "All documents."
If you have multiple accounts, you will need to ensure the relevant account is selected on the green drop-down box.
After selecting a document type, a window will open listing multiple documents. The most recent documents will automatically appear at the top of the list. To narrow down the documents, you can search using the multiple search fields at the top.
Search fields include:
Account number - the account number
Customer name - the account name
Document number - if you already know the document number
Order ref - the order reference / PO number entered when the order was created
Date - DDMMYY format (eg. 011024 for 1st October 2024)
Total - total value on the document, eg invoice value
If you are searching for a particular document, for example, an invoice and you know the date the order took place, you can enter this in the "Date" field. Alternatively, you could search the PO number in the "Order Ref" field or the value of the order in the "Total" field.
Here, I have searched for documents dated 1st October 2024 using the DDMMYY date format.
To open a document, you can double-click on the document and it will appear in a window as in the example below.
To download documents, select the desired document or multiple documents, and click "download". Once downloaded you can use the invoice as you require. You may wish to save the invoice for your records or print it out.
All documents on ProCure+ are certified copies of the original so we will accept them as a true document. This will allow you to manage your credits and returns without the trouble of having to request documents from customer service.
We hope you found this guide useful. If you have any further questions about using this feature, please feel free to contact your dedicated Hospital Solutions Account Manager.