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Change Workspace environment name (CR-01)
Change Workspace environment name (CR-01)
Updated over 8 months ago


Changing a Workspace environment name is possible for both hosted and self-hosted environments:

  • Hosted partners can submit a Change Request (CR-01).

  • Self-hosted partners can configure this themselves.

By changing the Workspace environment name, we change the second part of the URL. For example, '' becomes ''.

If you want to request a custom URL, please read the article Request custom URL (CR-03).

Check affected services

When a Workspace environment name changes, several other changes are also required. Please read the list below to see which apply to you, to make sure everything keeps working as expected. For the Redirect URI, an additional URI containing the new environment name can be added prior to the change. All other steps must be done afterwards.

  1. Azure SSO app registration:

    • The Redirect URL must be changed to match the new environment name.

    • The Front-channel logout URL must be changed to match the new environment name.

  2. AAD synctool: the environment name must be updated in the configurator.

  3. Automated user provisioning via SCIM API: the "Tenant URL" must be updated in the Enterprise application under Provisioning > Provisioning > Admin credentials.

  4. Clientless RDP:

    • The Connections group must be updated as this must be identical to the environment name

    • If you use the recommended ServiceUser syntax (click the link and take a look at step 8), we recommend updating this to match the new environment name as well, to prevent potential confusion in the future.

      • If you update the ServiceUser name, remember to also update the Clientless RDP configuration in the workspace to match the new credentials.

  5. Make sure that end users' shortcuts (bookmarks), or other forms of access to the workspace, are updated to the new URL.

Additionally, the following changes may be required if the environment uses these features:

  1. API: if you use the Workspace 365 API or Provisioning API anywhere, you need to update those to match the new environment name.

  2. Liquit: the Content Security Policy (CSP) must be updated.

  3. Workspace 365 Teams integration: the manifest.json file must be updated.

  4. SharePoint intranet: if you have added a SharePoint intranet to the workspace, the portal site connection must be updated.

Instructions for hosted partners

To request a URL change, please submit a CR-01 change request.

If you have purchased Workspace 365 via one of our partners/resellers, please contact them to submit the change request on your behalf. If you are a direct partner or customer, you can submit a change request yourself.

Instructions for self-hosted partners

  1. Change the environment name:

    1. Open the Main database

    2. Go to the Environments table

    3. Change the Personal URL

    4. Optional: Change the BLOBStorageContainerName

  2. Optional: Rename the Blob storage folder:

    1. Go to Explore

    2. Select the Partner folder

    3. Change the name of the environment folder

  3. Clear the cache:​

    IMPORTANT: Do not remove/delete the temp cache.

    1. Go to the Instance Operator panel (/admin)

    2. Clear cache.

      • 500 error after changing the environment name? Try to recycle the app pool for both servers.

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