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Branding your Workspace environment
Branding your Workspace environment
Updated over 9 months ago


Branding is more important than you might think. People say “don’t judge a book by its cover”, but let’s be honest – we do this. The branding is the first thing people see and if it’s recognizable and nice-looking, people are more likely to be receptive to their adaptive digital workplace.

As an administrator you are able to easily brand Workspace 365 environment. You can select the colors, Workspace logo, home logo and even the product name. This will give you as a partner or customer the recognition you deserve!

The newly created branding (design) of the Workspace will automatically be set as default for all users in the Workspace. However, it's also possible to create multiple branding sets and push this to selected user groups in a single Workspace environment. This is especially useful when you want to, for example, assign a different branding set for each department within the same organization.

This article describes how you can brand your Workspace 365 environment. It is not possible to brand the landing page, as depicted in this image:


Create a new branding

Creating your own branded Workspace is easy and can be created within minutes.

  1. To access the Branding option, go to the settings page.

  2. Navigate to Branding.

  3. To create a new branding set, click New.

  4. Save your branding by clicking Done at the top left. The newly created branding (design) of the Workspace will automatically be set as default for all users in the Workspace.


Branding options

There are a number of possibilities when branding the Workspace.



  • Set the branding as default for the Workspace environment.

  • The Branding name is the name for your branding.

  • The Product name is the Workspace name.

  • Support information: Define the text shown on the environment's Support page. If this is empty, a default text will be shown:



  • Light-/dark theme:

    • Select your theme from the top right corner of your Workspace or Branding settings.

    • System theme: If you'd have dark theme configured in the browser on your mobile phone, you will see the Workspace in dark theme. If you have light theme configured in your browser on a desktop device, you will see a light theme.

    • As of today, we introduced the dark theme beta version (because we want to collect feedback first on what people think). This is configured per user level, which means the user can still decide to choose a theme to their liking, despite what has been configured by the admin.

  • Primary colors: e.g. header-/applications colors. We recommend this function if you want to set a branding for all the icons.

  • Live tile styling: choose a white or colored header styling for the live tile with white or colored text/icons.

  • Styling for text and icons on a colored background: Workspace will calculate whether the primary color (color of the tiles) is, for example, too light in order to see the text and icon clearly and will make it automatically dark.

  • Give workspace a custom background by uploading an image.

  • The Workspace logo is located on the bottom right, upload a new picture to replace the default Workspace 365 logo

  • The Home logo is located on the top left.

Groups and users (multiple brandings)

  • Instead of setting the branding as default, you can push it to selected groups and users. This means you can have multiple brandings within a single Workspace environment.

    • A branding can be assigned on user- and group level.

    • All users without a custom branding assigned to them, will get the "default" branding.

Resolution & File type

Workspace background

Loading the background for the first time may take some time.

  • Supported formats: SVG, JPG and PNG

  • Maximum file size: 5 mb.

  • Recommended size: between 1920x1080 px (which is a common screen size) and a maximum of 3000x3000 (recommended).

Workspace logo

  • Supported formats: SVG, JPG and PNG.

  • Maximum file size: 5 mb.

  • Recommended size: 400x40 px.

Sign in logo

  • Supported formats: SVG, JPG and PNG.

  • Maximum file size: 5 mb.

  • Recommended size: 400x40 px.

Home logo

  • Supported formats: SVG, JPG and PNG.

  • Maximum file size: 5 mb.

  • Recommended size: 400x40 px.

App icon

Every app has a default icon. Workspace admins can upload custom icons. If you like to change the icon you can browse through our list of available icons.

  • When uploading an icon you can use svg or png files.

  • The maximum file size for both types is 10KB.

  • The recommended size for png is a maximum of 76px by 76px.

  • There is no limit on the dimensions for svg.


App color

You can choose the background color of the application.

  • If you choose a darker background color, the icon and text will turn white.

  • A lighter color will make the text and icon dark.


Branding examples

Here are examples of different branding options:

  • Coloured header

  • Coloured tile headers

  • The workspace has a smooth lay out


  • White header

  • White tile headers

  • The workspace has a smooth lay out


  • Coloured header

  • White tile headers

  • The workspace has a smooth lay out


  • White header

  • Coloured tile headers

  • The workspace has a smooth lay out


Best practices

A calm and recognizable workspace

It is important to create a calm and recognizable workspace. Do not use too bright colors and determine whether it is important for your organization to keep the icons of the tiles equal to the logo, or make it white.

Depending on the color of your choosing for app icons, you might need to adjust some branding settings, such as "Live tile styling" and "Styling for text and icons on a colored background".

Take a look at some branding examples for inspiration.

Multiple branding sets

It's possible to create multiple branding sets within a single Workspace environment. This can be useful for organizations with different branches/departments that have their own house style. Every branch/department can have their own recognizable branding by pushing it to specific "Users and groups".

Dark theme

Dark theme is becoming more and more popular within websites and apps. Dark mode is a special screen setting designed to make the best use of dim light situations, particularly at night. Dark mode displays light text on a dark background instead of dark text and graphics against a white background, as is typical for most apps.

Dark mode’s aim is to reduce the glaring white light that may be distracting in the evenings. It may even be easier on your eyes than a traditional screen setting. The workspace administrator can set a dark theme as default, but it remains a personal choice of the user to change it to a light theme.

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