Follow the Minimalist Instruction principles
Step into the shoes of the users
Focus on tasks that they perform
Choose an action oriented approach
Support error recognition & resolution
Design for use on-the-job, for reference & training
Apply them in your creation process
Writing your Step Content
Use the simplest form of instruction verb + noun
Add more information when it is needed to execute the Step action
Use active voice whenever possible by starting with the verb and using present tense
Be consistent throughout the entire instruction/guide by using the same word to describe the same thing
2. Writing additional information under your step
Default Step Notes in SwipeGuide
Use a Warning for steps where users frequently make mistakes and/or mistakes have a high impact
Write your Warnings short and to the point & give an explanation for the importance of the Warning
Use Tips to provide users with extra information about the step, such as the best /easiest way for users to perform a task
Write your Tip in an active voice and be brief
Use hyperlinking to give users access to information from another instruction or even external information
Use Alternatives for steps where there are several ways for users to complete a step
Write it the same way you would write the step & make it clear that this is "another" way of performing the same task
Use Fixes in case of steps where users can be confronted with issues to describe how users can resolve issues within a certain step
Start by describing the problem & then write the solution as you would write the step: action oriented and to-the-point
2. Custom Step Notes
Write which equipment is required to execute each of their procedural tasks in the respective Step Note.
Write where the specific machinery or component referred to in the Step Content is located on the line, on the shop floor, or at which machine.
Write which tools are needed to execute each of their procedural tasks in the respective Step Note.