Available for: Admins, Project Manager
Within each project, you can define your recipients’ list. To do this, go to the "Recipients" tab of your project.
In this article:
Setting up the recipients' list
You have two options: either include all active coworkers in your account or define a population based on employee characteristics using the analysis filters. By setting conditions according to your analysis filters, you can target a population.
Let's see in detail how you can set up your conditions.
Is / Is different than
These conditions take into account the exact values.
For example, if you want to include the Commercial department in your recipients' list, you would select : Department <is> Commercial
Alternatively, if you wish to exclude it, you will select: Department <is different than> Commercial |
Contains / Does not contain
These conditions apply to a word or string of words.
For example, if you have named all your departments as follows: "Sales Management", "Technical Management", etc. - you can include all the directions by selecting: Team <contains> Direction
Alternatively, if you wish to exclude all directions, you would select : Team <does not contain> Direction |
Is not defined / Is defined
These conditions take into account the criteria of an empty or a filled field.
For example, to include all referenced employees within a team, you would select: Team <is defined>
Alternatively, to include only people with a blank field in the "Team" filter, you would select: Team <is not defined> |
Dates from more than/ Dates from less than
These conditions make it possible to define inclusion rules according to the time elapsed. They are very useful for surveying people in their onboarding period.
For example, to include only recent arrivals in their second month of employment, you can select: Start date <dates from less than> 2 months AND Start date <dates from more than> 1 month |
To avoid the risk of sending the survey to the same people, adjust frequency : Frequency 🟰 [Start Date dates from less than] ➖ [Start date dates from more than] |
Dates from before the / Dates from after the
These conditions allow the definition of inclusion rules according to specific dates.
For example, to address a survey to Generation Y (born between 1984 and 1996), you would select: Birth Date <dates from after the> 1984/01/01 AND Birth Date <dates from before> 1997/01/01 |
⚠️ Selected dates are not included. |
The AND and OR operators
The "AND" operator is equivalent to adding several conditions. A coworker must meet all these conditions to be included in the recipients' list.
For example, if you want to include employees in the sales department in France, select: Department <is> Commercial AND Country <is> France |
The "OR" operator indicates that only one of these conditions needs to be met for the employee to be included in the recipients' list.
For example, if you want to include all employees in France regardless of their department and all employees in the sales department regardless of their country, select: Country <is> France OU Department <is> Commercial |
When you need to define a slightly finer list of recipients involving the two operators "AND" and "OR", you can set up sub-conditions.
To create a sub-condition, click on the arrow to the right of your parent condition
. This will create a block that behaves like a parenthesis in an equation.
For instance:
If you want to survey the employees of the Headquarters, Sales, and Technical departments in France, you can define your list of recipients as follows:
If you want to survey the employees of the Headquarters, Sales, and Technical departments in France and the employees of the Administration team in the United States, you can define your recipients' list as follows:
What if the recipients cannot be identified through the filters?
There are two possible scenarios.
If the information allowing you to identify your recipients is available in your HRIS or payroll software, you can add the corresponding analysis filters and define your list according to these new fields.
If there is no grouping criterion allowing you to identify them in your HRIS or payroll software, you can create this criterion by adding a Yes/No filter "Recipients' list - Project name". Then, all you have to do is update your database with information on whether they should be included in the list of recipients of your project (Yes or No).
Once the project is finished, you can delete the analysis filter if you no longer think you need it.
Automatic update of the recipients' list
A dynamic project and a static survey
The recipients' list of a project is dynamic. As soon as coworkers corresponding to the defined criteria are added or removed from the account, the project recipients' list will be automatically updated with entries and exits.
In contrast, the survey recipients' list remains unchanged from the start to the end of the survey period. This means that it is not possible to add recipients to an ongoing survey: changes will take effect for the next survey.
⇒ For more information: Updating the coworkers' database during an ongoing survey
Active / Inactive status
In order for your coworkers to be included in the recipients' list, they must be active at the survey launch.
By making coworkers inactive, you temporarily remove them from the recipients' list of all your surveys and/or the SuperLike. This means that they will not be reflected in your participation rates.👌
If you have any questions, you can contact our support team at hello@supermood.com!