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Define analysis filters
Emilie Roze avatar
Written by Emilie Roze
Updated over a year ago

Available for: Admins

In the Teams > Analysis Filters tab, this is where you will be able to create or activate new fields that will be used to contact your employees and group them to analyze the survey results according to different criteria (country, department, profession, etc.).

ℹ️ Once you have defined your filters, you will need to complete these fields using the update method of your choice, while respecting the filling standards.

In this article :

Contact information

This mandatory information is mainly used to contact your employees - it is therefore not accessible in the analysis filters.
The purpose of this information is described below.

  • First and last names are used to contact your employees and allow you to easily find their records if necessary.

  • Language allows us to know in which language we should send the surveys to the employee.

  • Active employee (yes/no) determines whether the employee can be invited to participate in the surveys or not (it is recommended to set an employee as inactive if they are on leave).

  • Communication means:
    Here, the information should be unique to each coworker as it distinguishes users from each other, and gives them access to their personal participation space.

    • Email address or Personnel number (required) - either enter an email address to contact a coworker by email or a personnel number to give an employee without a work email address access to the surveys.

    • Phone number (optional) allows you to send surveys by SMS. If you choose this option, fill in the phone number field for the employees concerned and ask your Account Manager to activate the SMS solution.

Analysis filters

Defining analysis filters to group your employees is of crucial importance to :

  • analyze your survey results from different angles,

  • configure the recipients of your campaigns,

  • and assigning access to specific areas.

Terms of use (RGPD)

In order to respect the personal data of your employees, it is important to follow some rules of use.

1. Add only the necessary filters

Make sure you only define filters that are useful for your analysis or for your recipient list configurations. It is not necessary to fill in all the information about your employees.

2. Avoid sensitive filters

Make sure not to add any sensitive filters.
All sensitive information is prohibited: ethnic origin, conviction data, political affiliations or religious opinions, sexual preferences, etc. should not be included in your coworkers' database.

3. Delete unused filters

Remember to delete filters that are no longer used in your analyses.

⚠️ When you remove a filter, you remove access to the results based on that data. Rest assured, the overall results and other filters will remain intact.

Before proceeding with this operation, it is simply recommended to take some preventive actions :

  1. Check that the filter is not used to define the recipients of an active campaign.

  2. Check that the filter is not used to define rights scopes.

  3. Possibly export all your results according to this filter to Excel for later retrieval.

Supermood analysis filters

Because these analysis filters are used by most of our clients, they allow us to offer you benchmarks.

If you use these filters, you will be able to request (from your Project Manager) a comparative study of your results in relation to the averages obtained in your sector of activity, or by companies of the same size as yours.

ℹ️ Notes

  • Date filters:
    Start Date and Date of birth filters allow you to calculate seniority (0-1 year, 2-5 years, etc.) within the company and age range (20-30 years, 40-50 years, etc.) respectively.

  • The Rights Role field:
    This field is not an analysis filter. It is essentially used to provide access to results viewers via an import if you have opted for the automatic adding mode.

Custom analysis filters

Do you need to add more specific filters to better fit your context or flowchart? Here you have the possibility to add filters in Text format or Yes/No format.

💡 Tips:

  • If you only have one or two values to fill in a filter, use the yes/no format.

  • If the filter is only useful for defining lists of recipients (and not for analyzing the results), deactivate the display of the filter in the results.


Here are some examples of filters you could add:

  • Type of contract: Permanent, Fixed-term, Internship, Part-time...

  • Department: Administration, Marketing, Sales...

  • Location: Paris, London...

  • Job title: Technician, Administrative employee, Sales manager...

ℹ️ Do not forget to complete the translations to activate your filters.

The most important thing is to be able to reconstruct your organization chart from the filters you define. This will allow you to give managers access to specific perimeters.

Have you activated all your analysis filters? All you need to do now is to add your co-workers by filling in the fields you have defined here. Check out our article on the standards to be respected when filling them in.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the support team at!

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