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Verifying the employee database before an import
Emilie Roze avatar
Written by Emilie Roze
Updated over a year ago

To update your employee database (add newcomers and delete departing employees), you can directly import your employees' list in Excel format.

Discover in this article the required verification steps before importing your file!

In this article:

1. Check the formatting

Your file must be in Microsoft Excel (xlsx) format.

Before importing your file, make sure that :

💡Pro tips

→ If this is your first import, or if you want to start from scratch: download our template! It is available from the import page.
→ If you want to start from your current database, export your coworkers' list registered on your Supermood account to start from this file.

2. Adjust column headings with Supermood filters

Mandatory columns

To add or update coworkers on the platform, you will need to fill in at least these mandatory contact information: First name, Last name, Language, Is active, Email address or Personal identifier.

The titles of your columns have to match one of the following formats:

First Name

’prenom’, ‘first name’, ‘surname’, ‘firstname’

Last Name

‘nom’, ‘last name’, ‘name’

Email address

‘mail’, ‘email’, ‘courrier’


‘language’, ‘langue’, ‘lang’

Is active

‘employé actif’, ‘active’, ‘actif’, ‘is active’, ‘est actif’

Personnel number

'matricule', 'personal number', 'personal identifier', 'personnel number', 'personnel identifier'

Analysis filters

During the import, the Platform will instruct you to match the columns in your file with the filters activated on your account.

💡Pro tip - To make this process smoother, consider naming the columns in your Excel file with the same headings as the filters saved on your account.

For example :
・If you have a column titled 'Position', corresponding to 'Job Title' on the platform, replace the column title with 'Job Title'.
・If you have a column with the coworkers' departments, first you will have to ensure that a 'Department' analysis filter is added to your account.

3. Remove duplicates

A unique identifier

A co-worker is recognized by his/her email address or personal identifier. Make sure that there is only one email address or personal identifier per co-worker.

A unique number (if the SMS option is activated)

Similarly, the Supermood solution does not work for shared phone numbers. If several employees share the same phone number, the employee holding the phone at the time of the survey launch will receive SMS messages for everyone. This could lead to him/her answering for his/her colleagues. Therefore, make sure that there is a unique phone number per employee.

4. Maintain the same structure

The import will overwrite the employee data in your account with the data from your file. To follow the scores and compare the results of the different populations, it is recommended to keep a consistent structure.

In this sense, be careful with :

Empty cells

If you decide to import every file column, be careful with empty cells! This will erase the previously saved employee information.

💡Tip - If you don't want to update one of the fields, simply ignore the column when you import.


Be careful not to make typing errors when filling in the columns because different typography (upper case, lower case, extra spaces, accents, etc.) leads to the creation of different groups - which will impact your results.
Example: "Paris" and "paris" will be considered by the platform as two different values.

Users with access rights

In some cases, external people (consultants, group managers, etc.) may need to have access to survey results. Consider adding them to your file as well to avoid deleting their access during import through overwrite.

💡Tip - To find users with rights: export your database and, in the "User Type" column, filter on "Admin" and "Managers" (Results Viewers).

If you have any questions, feel free to write to our support team at!

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