For the optimal preparation of your EÜR and tax return, we come to you in time with a guided data query.
This is all done through your mobile app and in the year following the completed tax year.
⚡PLEASE NOTE: Uploading your documents is only possible with the data query.
The data query takes place step by step and collects all the required data and info. Here, all points are highlighted and explained in detail.
👉 Your task is to have all the relevant documents and information together.
👉 You may have to ask for or pre-sort some of them first.
Your cooperation is essential here!
💡 The more evidence and information you provide, the more we can assess for you. That way, we can reduce the amount of tax you owe.
After the end of a tax year, you can start to prepare your data. Some receipts or documents must be requested in time. Often you receive them after the first quarter of the tax year, hence after March.
Therefore, the guided data query is also suited to this time.
Hint: You will find some links to Helpcenter articles for further information. In addition, our YouTube channel supports you with tips, tricks, and explanatory videos.
Preparations for accounting - you need to have this ready:
All receipts for the related transactions on your business account.
(Exception: private withdrawal and monthly recurring entries with the same amount).
The contact details of your previous tax accounting firm (if any). We will take care of a smooth transition.
The access to your accounting tool or exports from this tool (if you use or have used one).
Have you done everything without a tax office and accounting tool? Then we need all incoming and outgoing invoices including bank statements from your self-employment.
Your asset register: This is a list of your business assets that are tax deductible based on depreciation for wear and tear (AfA).
Updating your master data - you need this information:
Master data includes, for example, your job title or address. Did they change lately? If so, we need the change notifications with the corresponding data.
Also important here are the dates on which the changes came into effect.
Have you only been self-employed since the previous tax year?
➡️ Please have your tax registration questionnaire ready.
Did you register your business in the past tax year?
➡️ Please have your business registration ready.
Have you discontinued your business in the past tax year?
➡️ Please have your business deregistration ready.
What is your business address? When did you move in?
➡️ Please have your lease agreement ready.
If relevant to you: Information on car use
If you use your car for business purposes, there are various forms of use.
Whether you may/must include your car in your business assets.
What kind of different forms of business use exist.
If the passenger car is held as a business asset, we need the following, depending on the method:
1% rule
The gross list price of the vehicle
Distance home/work
Logbook method
Properly kept driver's logbook
In addition, you can deduct the following costs if you provide these documents:
Leased vehicle
Leasing contract
Proof of payment in the current calendar year.
Car sharing
Invoices for the car-sharing services
If relevant to you: Information on the home office.
Many solo self-employed people use a home office. According to tax law, this is a workroom in a spatially separate area.
Is your workroom by definition located in a spatially separate area? Then please have the following documents ready for our data query:
The surface of the study/total area
Floor plan
Rental contract/interest certificate in case of financing
Internet and telephone bills
Current utility bills + previous year
Electricity bills
Invoices for equipment for the study
Invoices for renovation
Household insurance
Moving expenses
Cleaning costs
Do you only have a work corner in a privately used room? Here we check whether the home office flat rate applies to you.
To do this, we will ask you how many days you worked in your home office.
If relevant for you: Information on business travels
Do you travel on business as part of your self-employment? Then you can claim costs for accommodation, transport, and meals.
If so, we will need the following evidence to deduct the expenses:
Evidence/proof of business-related travel (emails, invoices, etc.).
You can find out when a trip is considered a business and further information on individual proofs here. To record your business trips, you can use the form provided there.
Want to know more? Here you can find more information about business travel or operational use by car more than 8 hour drive).
Information on your private tax return - you may need to have this ready:
You may have already prepared an income tax return yourself. Therefore, you know that lots of information can be considered if it applies to you.
Here is a brief overview of what information, evidence, and documents you should have collected or can request now:
Master data/ personal data:
private address
church affiliation, if applicable
If applicable, a severely handicapped certificate or notice from the pension office
Income (also applies to partners in the case of joint assessment):
If applicable, wage tax certificate, if you were employed
if applicable, receipts for income-related expenses (= expenses for income from employment)
Further education costs
Technical literature
Office Supplies
Travel to the office
Receipts and proof of double housekeeping (if you maintain a second home for professional reasons)
If applicable, income from capital assets
Tax certificate
Proof of income from renting and leasing, if applicable
Rental contract or contracts
Proof of rent payments
Electricity bills
Water bills
Gas bills
Service charge statements
Interest statements
Pension, if applicable
Proof of income from pension and/or retirement benefits
Income from self-employment or business that has not yet been managed by smarta
Description of the self-employed activity
Questionnaire for tax registration
Income/Earnings from the sale of cryptocurrencies or NFTs.
Evidence of income
Foreign Income
Supporting documents (pay stubs, invoices, proof of payment)
Benefits received (e.g., sick pay, maternity, child-rearing, and unemployment benefits)
Related certificates, notices
Expenses (also applies to partners in the case of joint assessment):
Private expenses
Certificate from health insurance fund(s)
Certificate of the nursing care insurance
Invoices for handicraft services
Medical bills
Costs for initial training
Certificate of insurance for the relevant tax year (for example: motor vehicle liability, personal liability, accident insurance)
Donation receipts
Riester contract
Responsible family insurance fund
If applicable, a disabled person's certificate or certificate from the pension office
Proof of childcare costs
Proof of health and long-term care insurance
If applicable, medical expenses/treatment costs (for example: orthodontist)
Education costs/school fees
Proof of child allowance for Riester pension plan
Date of birth
Identification number (from the Federal Central Tax Office)
Address of partner
Tax number of the partner
Church affiliation of the partner
If applicable, the partner's severely handicapped ID card or notice from the pension office
Thank you for taking the time to inform yourself in advance and prepare your documents!
Once again: Your participation is essential here!
The more evidence and information you provide, the more we can assess for you. This will help us to reduce the amount of taxes you have to pay.
Please keep everything sorted as described (from the end of March after the end of a fiscal year). This is how we start a great cooperation! 💜
Notice: As soon as our system is activated for uploading, we will inform you.
Caution: Submitting your collected data before our request is not possible.
Of course, we will notify you in time regarding the upload. Provided that you submit all your information on time and in full, we will comply with the legal deadlines.