The operator designates a remote pilot with suitable competence to perform their tasks.
Ensure you have good documentation for the area to be flown and survey the work area on a map or satellite image.
Examine conditions at the site (light, weather, forest, vegetation, snow, etc.).
Check airspace restrictions (R-areas), Control Zones (CTR), photography bans, etc.
Check LFV's Drone Map:
Check Protected Nature Areas:
Check NOTAMs (Notice to Airmen): or contact the FPC (Flight Planning Centre).
Check AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication):
If necessary, seek required permits, such as via air traffic control. You can either call air traffic control directly or email your request in advance, attaching a map, coordinates, flight radius, altitude, times, and a phone number where you can be reached throughout the flight.
Conduct a risk assessment (power lines, tall structures and buildings, people or animals on site, privacy risks (GDPR), risks of geographic information disclosure).
Inform people nearby (signage, cordoning off, high-visibility vests, etc.).
Plan aerial support/ground control points (GCP) to ensure measurement quality. Instructions are available at: If the project will be flown multiple times, plan for fixed ground control points.
Charge all equipment batteries.
New drone for you? Check the manual and perform test flights to ensure familiarity with maneuvering.
Updated over 10 months ago