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FAQs + known issues with Sony Players
Ian Maison avatar
Written by Ian Maison
Updated over 12 months ago

App auto-launching

At present, the Signagelive application will only auto-launch following an on-demand or scheduled reboot via the Signagelive CMS, or by power-cycling the panel (physically switching the power off and on at the source).

Using the remote control to power the device off and on will not result in the app auto-launching and you will need to manually launch it via the Apps menu.

Issues and limitations present in Signagelive client version 1.03 for Sony

  • Firmware updates need to be initiated by the user in the panel settings. See the steps for carrying this out in this article

For a full list of known issues/limitations with Sony Players at this time, please refer to this article.

Black screen following the completion of the Sony Initial Setup steps

On an intermittent basis, we have observed that when completing the initial Sony setup steps (detailed in this article) the device will fall to a black screen instead of falling back to the Sony homepage. In such a case, please press the HOME button on your Sony remote control, then head to Apps and manually launch the Signagelive application.

“Installation Failed” error when attempting to install the signagelive.pkg file

If you have run through the initial setup process and then attempted to install Signagelive, you’ll likely be met with an “Installation Failed” error. It is therefore important that the Signagelive application is installed before you complete the initial Sony installation steps. Please closely follow the steps in this article to ensure your device is configured correctly. If you’re confident you have followed these instructions and still are met with an error, please get in touch with us.

Sony Battery limitation

  • We have identified a limitation with Signagelive-supported Sony panels in which they do not maintain their set date and time when power-cycled.

  • This is not an issue as long as after power-cycling your Sony display is able to establish an internet connection and resync it's date and time

  • This may become an issue in situations where internet connectivity is unreliable as it will be unable to update to the correct date and time

  • In such situations players may be unable to connect to Signagelive and/or play the correctly scheduled content until an internet connection is established and it is able to resync its date and time

  • This should be a consideration when selecting which device to use with Signagelive for sites that may have unreliable power and internet connectivity

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