In this article, you're going to learn about all email notifications that OfficeRnD sends to members. They are organized into three categories:
These emails can be customized. If you'd like to inquire whether a certain notification can be edited to contain less/additional information, please write to
You can also choose which type of notification goes to which email - click here to learn more about how to do that.
Emails & Notifications
This group of messages relates to general system notifications, such as membership requests and invitation emails.
Checkout - Sent when a member checkouts additional plans and services.
Contract Completed - Sent to the member when all parties have signed the contract.
Issue is marked as closed - Sent when an issue is closed.
Issue Submitted - Sent when a member or admin has created a new issue.
Message - Sent when you or a member sends a message to another member.
New Comment on issue - Sent when an admin adds a comment on the issue.
Order Status Changed - Sent when an order status is changed.
Order Updated - Sent when an order is updated.
Request - Sent when a member signs up to the members portal.
Request Mandate - Sent to members when an admin requests a direct debit mandate setup.
Reset Password - Sent when a member requests to reset his/her password.
Signature Requested - Sent to the signers of the contract.
Welcome - Sent when a member signs up to the members portal.
Booking Emails
This is a group of messages that relate to new bookings and booking updates.
Booking Cancelled - Sent when a meeting room booking is canceled.
Booking Created (Member) - Sent when a member successfully books a meeting room.
Booking Created (Public) - Sent to a new member when successfully books a meeting room through the public calendar.
Booking Invitation (Guests) - Sent to the guests when a member successfully books a meeting room.
Booking Requested (Member) - Sent when a member requests to book a meeting room.
Booking Requested (Public) - Sent to a new member when successfully requests to book a meeting room through the public calendar.
Booking Updated - Sent when a meeting room booking is changed.
Booking Updated (Guests) - Sent to the guests when a meeting room booking is changed.
Bookings Summary - Sent when a bookings summary is generated for a company on the admin side.
Upcoming Booking Reminder - Sent to members when they have an upcoming booking.
Upcoming Booking Reminder (Check-in Required) - Sent when there is an upcoming booking that requires the member to check-in.
Financial Emails
This is a group of messages that relate to invoicing, such as sent invoices, overdue invoice notifications, and receipts.
Authorize card - Sent to members when they are required to authorize their card.
Authorize payment - Sent to members when they are required to authorize a payment.
Failed Payment - Sent to members when one of their payments fails.
Invoice - Sent when an invoice is manually or automatically created on the admin side.
Order Invoice - Sent when an invoice is automatically generated immediately after a purchase or a booking is made on the members portal or public calendars.
Overdue Invoice (First Reminder) - First overdue invoice reminder sent on the invoice due date.
Overdue Invoice (Second Reminder) - Second overdue invoice reminder sent after the due date.
Overdue Invoice (Third Reminder) - Third overdue invoice reminder sent after the due date.
Receipt - Sent when a receipt is manually or automatically created on the admin side.
Statement - Sent when a statement is generated for a customer on the admin side.