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[Getting Started] Add Custom Resource Types
Updated over a month ago

OfficeRnD Flex allows you to create resources for your space's different types of services. You can then add custom floor plan Space Types to represent these resources, making them easy to manage from your floor plan. Learn more.

Here are some examples of custom Resource Types you can create:

  • Event space

  • Suite

  • Parking spot

  • Medical center

Add a custom Resource Type

If your space offers various resources, you might want to create custom Resource Types for them. To create a custom Resource Type, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Platform Modules > Resource Types.

  2. Click Add Resource Type.

  3. Configure the new Resource Type. Review the following table to understand the different options you have.

  4. When you're finished, click Add.




The name of the Resource Type (for example, "Workshop" or "Parking Lot").


An icon to represent the Resource Type on the Member Portal.


A unique key that links the Resource Type to a floor plan Space Type (for example, "workshop," "parking_lot").


A color for the Resource Type on the floor plan.

Can Book

Select if the Resource Type should be available for booking on a calendar.

Booking Mode

Only available if you select Can Book. You can select:

  • Time – The resource can be booked hourly.

  • Date – The resource can be booked daily.

Can Assign

Select if you want to assign memberships to the resource type.


Select if you want to track the resource occupancy in the Occupancy section of the Dashboard.

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