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Pharmacy First Common Questions
Pharmacy First Common Questions

We've highlighted some of the common questions our Information Services team are being asked relating to the English Pharmacy First service

Cathy Crossthwaite avatar
Written by Cathy Crossthwaite
Updated over a year ago
  1. If the pharmacy receive a referral to the service but they do not pass a Gateway point in the clinical pathways, will the pharmacy still get paid a consultation fee?

    The patient can have a consultation under the minor illness consultation part of the service and a consultation fee will be paid.

  2. Patients that walk in for the service and do not pass a Gateway point in the relevant clinical pathway, can the pharmacy claim a consultation fee?

    No. The patient must pass a Gateway point before a consultation fee can be claimed.

  3. Can distance selling pharmacies provide clinical pathway consultations at the pharmacy premises?

    No, they can only provide clinical pathway consultations remotely from the pharmacy premises using a live video link and only for 6 of the 7 pathways (not acute otitis media).

  4. Can the pharmacy provide additional services such as minor ailments service and the Pharmacy First Service together?

    The minor ailments service is a locally commissioned service and can be provided alongside the Pharmacy First Service.

If you have further questions relating to the Pharmacy First Service, get in touch with our information services team via:

0800 783 5709 option 2

Message us on Intercom through the blue icon bottom right!

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