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Pharmacy First: When Can I Claim?
Pharmacy First: When Can I Claim?

Advice for when a consultation is considered complete and can be included in the total consultations claimed at the end of the month.

Cathy Crossthwaite avatar
Written by Cathy Crossthwaite
Updated over 8 months ago

Referrals (Applicable to All Three Pathways)

Patient's Action

Pharmacist's Action

Entry in PF IT System?

Claim Payment?

Patient presents - No referral has been received.

Pharmacist follows up with the referrer.

If no referral is received:

  • Urgent medicines: Support via locally commissioned urgent supply service, private emergency supply, or signpost to NHS 111.

  • Minor illness: Support via locally commissioned Minor Ailment Service (MAS) or Patient Group Direction (PGD) service, or self-care Essential service.

  • Clinical Pathway: Treat as selfreferred subject to Gateway point. If not passed follow the Minor illness options above.



Patient does not contact or attend pharmacy (referral received).

No contact with patient. Close referral, noting the reason.

Yes, to close


Patient fails to attend or cannot be reached by phone after a previous contact.

No further contact. Close referral, noting the reason.

Yes, to close


Patient seeks support elsewhere.

No follow-up action. Close referral, noting the reason.

Yes, to close


Urgent Medicines Pathway - Referred Patients

Patient's Action

Entry in PF IT System?

Claim Payment?

Prescription available via EPS tracker, medicine dispensed.

Yes, confirm outcome


Medicine cannot be supplied under emergency supply regulations; referral to GP or NHS 111 made.

Yes, indicate referral


Supply not necessary; agree action with patient, possibly refer to GP.

Yes, confirm outcome


Emergency supply appropriate and in stock; supply made.

Yes, confirm outcome


Emergency supply appropriate but only part of the supply available;

refer to another pharmacy for the remaining supply.

Yes, indicate supply and referral


Emergency supply appropriate but not in stock; refer to another pharmacy or NHS 111.

Yes, indicate referral


Minor Illness Pathway - Referred Patients

Patient's Action

Entry in PF IT System?

Claim Payment?

Consultation with red flag, obtain clinical advice if necessary, refer as needed.

Yes, indicate referral


Consultation with no red flags, provide advice, possibly supply medicine via MAS or PGD.

Yes, confirm outcome


Patient requires no further assistance; provide safety netting advice.

Yes, confirm outcome


Clinical Pathways - Referred and Self-Referring Patients

Patient's Action

Entry in PF IT System?

Claim Payment?

Consultation, patient passes Gateway point but needs referral; obtain advice, refer if necessary.

Yes, indicate referral


Consultation, patient passes Gateway, no referral needed, provide advice,

possibly supply medicine.

Yes, confirm outcome


Further consultation needed after initial advice; re-assess, possibly refer.

Yes, indicate referral


Clinical Pathways - Referred Patients Only

Patient's Action

Entry in PF IT System?

Claim Payment?

Patient fails Gateway point on clinical pathway; treat under minor illness pathway.



Complete process under minor illness pathway, red flag identified - possibly




Patient passes Gateway point, but medicine not in stock; refer to another


Yes, indicate referral


Distance Selling Pharmacy (DSP) receives referral but cannot provide service; refer to another pharmacy.

Yes, indicate referral


DSP conducts consultation, patient needs timely supply; refer to another


Yes, indicate referral


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