Your income tax declaration is partially included in the monthly subscription price from Kontist Tax Service plan, but only on the condition that you have paid for the whole year.
These parts of the (private) tax declaration are included :
Mantelbogen – cover sheet,
Anlage S (Selbständige – freelancers),
Anlage G (Gewerbe – commerce),
Vorsorgeaufwand – pension expenses,
Sonderausgaben – special expenses,
außergewöhnliche Belastungen – extraordinary costs,
haushaltsnahe Aufwendungen – household-related expenses,
Anlage K (Kind – children),
Anlage AV (Altersvorsorge, Riester – pension schemes),
Sonstiges – other
If you require other parts of the tax declaration, e.g. for income from investments or real estate, they will be charged additionally. A full list of additional services can be found here.
Your yearly income tax declaration (incl. business tax declaration, VAT declaration and/or EÜR) will be created and issued by the Kontist Tax Advisory based on the months that you have been a customer of Kontist Tax Service.
If you have been a customer of the Kontist Tax Service from January 2022 to December 2022, your yearly income tax declarations for 2022 will be fully prepared by Kontist Tax Advisory.
If you started in 2023, but still need tax declaration in 2022, the monthly rate of €179 plus VAT will apply for all 12 months of 2022. And if your accounting for 2022 is already prepared and booked accordingly, you will receive a separate offer.
Contact us, if you have questions:
Telefone: +49 30 311 986 00