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How to plan your container garden [Phone]

How to use the Garden Planner to plan your pot-grown plants using an iPhone or Android phone

Updated over 7 months ago

The Garden Planner includes a selection of container icons to help you plan your garden.

How to add containers to your plan

Tap on the Garden Objects selector.

Garden Planner - Garden Objects

Scroll down the list, or type 'container' in the search box. Tap on a plant once to select it, then tap on your plan to place it. The container can be resized using its corner 'handles'.

Garden Planner - Search for container in Garden Objects

How to change the spacings for pot-grown plants

When growing in pots, typically you'll be able to use closer spacings than those recommended in the Garden Planner.

The default spacings can be edited by first double-tapping on the plant in your plan, or tap on it once then tap on the Edit Item button on the toolbar below your plan.

Garden Planner - Edit a plant

Select your variety from the Variety drop-down menu if necessary, then tap on Customize Varieties.

Garden Planner -

Tap Edit, then select the 'Use Custom Spacings' box. Enter the spacings you wish to use. The 'between plants' value is used for individual plants or blocks of plants, and the 'between plants in rows' + 'between rows' values are required for plants in rows.

Garden Planner - Customize spacing

Tap Done when finished, then scroll down and tap Save All Changes.

Garden Planner - Save Changes to changes to Varieties

Once back on the Edit Plant window, tap Done to close.

Garden Planner - Complete the editing of Plants

Any questions? Chat to us!

Tap on the Live Chat icon in the Garden Planner if you need help or have questions for our gardening experts.

Garden Planner - Live chat

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