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How to create dynamic and engaging reports with Forms for Confluence
How to create dynamic and engaging reports with Forms for Confluence
Tanya M Fooks avatar
Written by Tanya M Fooks
Updated over a week ago

Collecting data and insights and reporting that back to key stakeholders or your broader colleagues can often be an important part of decision-making.

Ensuring that information comes across clearly and engaging to those audiences can be the difference when looking to achieve a desired outcome.

With Forms for Confluence, you can take the created charts and graphs from any form or survey data and create dynamic and engaging reports with embedded visualisations.

Let me show you how.

Creating a new page for your report.

First of all, you are going to want to create a new page in Confluence, you can do that by the usual methods.

Here we have created a page called “Colleague Survey” and start by dropping in some text for the initial report overview.

Next, we are going to add our first chart from our form data, to do this use the command /embed on the page to bring up the app.

Click on the “Embed Visualisations | Forms for Confluence” app to bring up the visualisation selection module.

We can then use the search facility to find the form we would like to take our data from.

Once the form is selected you can choose whether to bring all the charts and graphs through from that particular form or select a particular question.

In this case, we are going to select the first question from our form.

We will then click proceed to embed the graph to the report.

We will then add a little more context to the report and then add a graph or Chart and then repeat these steps to build out the report in full.

There you go, you have your first dynamic report created from your Forms for Confluence data.

Your Graphs and charts can be filtered and interacted with as you can when reviewing your form data from the homepage.


Take your reports and insights to the next level by combining graphs and charts from multiple forms that you have created or collaborated on.

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