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Card Macro Update
Tanya M Fooks avatar
Written by Tanya M Fooks
Updated over a week ago

We have made it easier and quicker to add multiple cards to a page. To do this, we had to make some big changes to the card macro. The changes were so big that we made a new macro: Cards.

You can add and edit as many cards as you want in the Cards macro. You can still edit each card in the ways you're used to. Not only that, but you can control how all the cards are laid out on the page. Learn more about everything you can do with the Cards macro by trying it, or check out our documentation.


What if I only want one card?

Even though it’s called the Cards macro, you can still make a single card. Simply delete the cards you don’t need. In the preview area, hover over the card you want to get rid of and then select the trash icon.

You can then change the layout type to get a single card of different sizes.

What about my old cards?

Your old card macros will look and act the same as before. You can edit your old macros like you are used to. If you select edit on a Card macro, the old Card macro editor will open.

Can I convert my old cards to the new editor?

Cards is a whole new macro with no migration path to convert from the old Card macro. You can still edit your old Card macros, and they still look and act like you expect.

Can I still add the old Card macro to a page?

The Cards macro can do everything the old macro did. So, to add a new card to a page, you need to use the new Cards macro.

What will you do first?

Now that you can make so many cards in one simple macro, which page will you improve first?

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