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Leadership positions

How leadership positions in workforce intelligence are determined

Admin avatar
Written by Admin
Updated over 2 months ago

To give insight into notable developments in the leadership teams of companies, we try to highlight leadership positions within workforce intelligence.


To do this, we use people's raw job titles as listed on their professional network profile and map them to leadership positions based on keywords such as Director, Vice President, Chief Executive Officer, President, etc.

Similarly, we use other keywords to filter out roles such as 'Personal assistant to the CEO', 'CFO support' etc. to prevent these people from showing up as leadership roles.

We use keywords from multiple languages to ensure we cover the broadest possible range of countries. In addition, we continuously work on updating our mappings - feel free to share your suggestions with us.

External hires vs. internal hires

Within leadership positions, we distinguish internal and external hires. We determine internal and external hires as follows:

  • External hire: Someone is labeled as an external hire when that person's leadership experience is the first experience at the company in question:

Internal hire: Conversely, someone is labeled as an internal hire when that person's previous experience was at the same company:

Combination with job sub(groups)

Leadership hires are labeled according to the job (sub)group they belong to. These mappings are also based on matching raw job titles with keywords. Read more about the job (sub)groups here.

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