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My learner has arrived late. Can they still sit the examination?
My learner has arrived late. Can they still sit the examination?
Written by Sue Yuill
Updated over 5 months ago

Learners who arrive after the starting time for an examination may be allowed to enter the room and start the examination. This is entirely at the discretion of the centre.

These learners may be allowed the full time for the examination depending on the centre’s organisation and supervisory arrangements. If the examination security is not compromised and the work is completed in the normal examination time, the work completed by the learner will be accepted.

Learners who arrive after the scheduled finishing time for the examination or the closure of the onscreen window are not permitted to sit the examination. The learner must be recorded as ABSENT on the Candidate Attendance Register.

Please note, Centres are required to operate in line with EAL’s Exam Conduct Policy:

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